CDE Capabilities
& BIM Methodology

Driving Innovation and Collaboration in Construction Project Management


The CDE (Common Data Environment) is essential in the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology, facilitating effective collaboration on construction projects. As a digital platform, the CDE centralizes and manages information throughout all phases of the project, ensuring a single point of access to the truth for all participants.

Key Components of a CDE


The BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology is more than just 3D software; It is a comprehensive approach to building information management that encompasses the entire lifecycle of a project, from conception to maintenance. It enhances collaboration, decision-making, and efficiency at all stages of a project.

Why a CDE is Vital for
Construction Projects?

An effective CDE not only centralizes information, but also improves communication, ensures data quality, and reduces risks, time, and costs, thus improving decision-making and project outcomes.

Risks of Not Using an Adequate CDE

The absence of an efficient CDE can complicate the synchronization between the 3D model and the actual construction, increasing the risk of errors, data loss, and project delays, as manual information entry implies a lack of traceability and reliability of the data.


  • Fragmented management: Public entities often manage their contracts and projects using outdated systems or scattered tools.
  • Lack of effective communication: Coordination between the different parties involved can be inefficient.
  • Poor progress tracking: There is no effective progress tracking system that allows you to assess meeting deadlines, identify deviations, and make decisions based on real data.
  • Inefficient document management: Without proper document management, there is a risk of losing vital information or not having it accessible when you need it.
  • Untracked incidents and non-conformities: There is no adequate recording and monitoring system for incidents or non-conformities that occur during a project.
  • Adaptability to regulations: Many current tools are not fully aligned with ISO 19650 standard.


The adoption of a common BIM data environment in public works, managed in accordance with ISO 19650, allows a progressive adaptation to the methodology, reducing obstacles and ensuring efficient change.

Our EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) project management system is the best software for BIM management in public projects.

Examples of this implementation include the more than 20 contracts awarded to EPC Tracker by entities such as Canal de Isabel II.


EPC Tracker: A Leading CDE

EPC Tracker stands out for its integration and adaptability, facilitating the implementation of BIM and efficient project management. It allows the linking of schedules and costs with 3D models, ensuring accurate control and tracking.


For a successful BIM implementation, an efficient CDE such as EPC Tracker is crucial. Find out how our EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) software can transform your project management.


Reduction of Project Times and Costs


Minimizing Errors and Boosting Efficiency

Benefits of EPC Tracker
Against Standard CDEs

EPC Tracker aligns with specific construction regulations, such as ISO 19650, ensuring advanced metadata management and essential document processes for public works. Our cloud EPC tool excels at creating custom workflows, outperforming generic solutions like OneDrive or Dropbox, especially in critical tasks like design approvals and security reviews.

Our EPC project management integrates document management with progress tracking and quality control, offering a complete view of the project. In addition, our detailed access control and terrain-adapted interface ensure superior operability in any construction environment.

Our EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) software boosts collaboration by seamlessly integrating with BIM design and planning tools, like Autodesk Revit, enhancing interoperability and data flow. The document traceability and audit system are essential for ensuring compliance and monitoring in public contracts.

EPC Tracker also excels at managing communications, enabling effective, real-time collaboration between all project participants, from architects to builders. In addition, it supports BIM data standards and offers robust data backup and synchronization systems, essential for offline work.